Established in 2001
Officially opened in Mbale, Uganda on January 19, 2001, CURE Uganda provides minimally-invasive endoscopic neurosurgical procedures and attracts surgeons from around the world to its prestigious CURE Neuro Fellowship Program. The teaching hospital consisted of three operating rooms, an 18-bed Intensive Care Unit, and 37 ward beds. In addition to world-class clinical service, CURE Uganda ministers to the emotional and spiritual needs of patients and their communities.
A Leader in Pediatric Neurosurgery
CURE Uganda provides world-class surgical and ministry care to children suffering from life-threatening conditions like hydrocephalus, spina bifida, and brain tumors. Recognized as one of the foremost neurosurgical hospitals, CURE Uganda trains neurosurgeons from around the world.
1900+ surgeries each year
We celebrate God’s provision this year. CURE Uganda has seen 10,155 patients, performed 1,900+ life-changing surgeries, provided 46 training events for healthcare professionals, and shared the gospel and the love of Jesus with over 41,000 people!